So, we've been busy little bees over here at Casa de Zinger. Since our one month update, we have continued to grow...lots. ;-)
6 Feet
Yup, six feet of growth, in just under two months. What, you can't do that? Well if you count these piggy toes
peek a boo! |
And those ones that go here
First cookout |
And then these
itty bitty baby toes |
Belonging to
Julia Faith |
Well now, that's 6 feet. (and 30 toes!)
Miss Julia Faith arrived bright and early on the 15th. After labouring at Nathaniel's basketball end of year shindig (and watching not-so-baby Baby Grey flirt shamelessly with the cheerleaders, oh my!) and wondering was this for real...yup, first contraction at home, it was for real. We had a beautiful home birth, and she was born "under the caul" which is something I was totally unfamiliar with, but is apparently super duper cool!
Little Miss Sunshine
Now, in case you are wondering about the 17 lbs......
Penny has gain slightly over 5 lbs, now weighing in at a fantastic 27 lbs, 5 oz, as of last Monday. Julia, who was a oh so petite 7 lbs, 6 oz at birth, is weighing 9 lbs 2 oz at not quite 3 weeks old. I produce butter, it would appear. Fanny-banannie is up to 32 +, bringing our grand total to 17 lbs.... Pen continues to do well with her tube feedings, and we got the all clear to both 1) begin cycling the feeds, and 2) reintroduce some oral feeding. Bring on the return to a sense of normal, or at least included, at meal times. I know she's getting fed 24/7/365 and gaining, but it kills my momma's heart to not offer her anything at the dinner table. :( She does not seem to care....even a tiny little bit, so we'll see how eating again goes. At least it is no pressure.
Fanny's glasses have arrived. She's so not feeling the love. I had hoped for a ahh-haaa moment of realization and never to be removed again. Well hope's free.... Not so much. The glasses are a bit awkward, particularly for her super narrow face. The lens are inclined to hit her lashes too. Honestly, this would drive me stark raving mad, so I can imagine her relative reluctance. And, it is a huge, overwhelming, rush of stimuli when one goes from seeing nearly nothing (except dessert across the table, because girlfriend can spot that!) to! So we are working on it a bit at a time. She got an all clear from orthopaedics this week, will see GI and nutrition soon (but the food spitting is reduced, PTL!), and hopefully neurology as well. She remains a general enigma, and it is at times very, very hard to not have what feels like the first earthly clue what it is that she wants or needs. We have found a few likes though, including calorie bomb pudding (Daddy's special concoction and the likely impetuous of the 3 lbs of weight gain), latch board puzzles, books that play music, Aunt Stormy's music time, Toby Mac with Sarah (dancing like you ought to be playing Cotton Eye Joe, but I digress), and the park. Here's proof:
Fantastic Fanny rides again! |
She got on that ....uhhh rocking bug? all by her sweet self, and figured out how to ride it too. Big girl!
Pen is also enjoying music, particularly at
church during praise and worship, though perhaps not so much Toby Mac (however George Straight made her pretty giddy!) She's fascinated with the piano, as is Julia, who gets lulled to sleep when Sarah holds her and plays. Penny actually touched the piano, which was cool. She's not so much sure about hair bands....and really likes Nathaniel.
Sorry, last one is blurry, but I was sure I had about a second & a half to capture that one. She's adjusting nicely to Julia-aka Squeaky Pink Interloper. She was not so sure initially. Which was a bit astounding, but I guess, from an attachment standpoint, being peeved about the new little twerp that is on MY MOMMA'S lap, is a beautiful thing. Who knew? It is improving though, really:
Oh yeah? Well, let me tell you about..... |
*Sigh* And that, dear friends, probably is all that is new in my world. Today is Iain's 9th birthday, and we are off to go enjoy some fantastic ice cream cake and dinner at the corral. Be blessed!
PS-Don't forget to head over to
Hidden Treasures for the
Beautiful Brandi support auction. Everything wraps up on the 7th, and this sweet girl needs to get home ASAP! She looks to be as fragile as Pen (I wasn't lucky enough to meet her) and she is soooo much younger, so some things that we are facing now that are not correctable, do NOT have to be a part of her future! Please support their family as you are able!