Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

~From our home to yours, I pray that you have had a blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving~


    Thanksgiving was spent here at the suburba-farm this year. While all seem (mostly) recovered, we did not want to chance 12 hours in the car with serial pukers passing the bug onto my family. They said thank you (repeatedly.)

So I braved Kroger (which is actually singular, KROGER, no S) with 7, 5, 3, & 10 mo's boys on Wednesday afternoon. This makes the worst of the I'm-hugging-a-pallet-of $399-TV's-at-stuffMart Black Friday mayhem look like a piece of cake. I know why I didn't prepare… but I am not certain how it is the entire city didn't prepare. 4th Thursday of November every.single.year. Still we survived, marking only 4 trips to the dairy aisle and finally finding mini-marshmallows buried 3' back on the second to bottom shelf, just left of pie filling (because that is naturally where you'd expect to find it.) Wonder why I shop with small children? They fit. I tried to grab those bad boys and it'd be a $10,000 prize winner on AFV. I did not find a 49¢ turkey. I did, however, find a THAWED turkey, and decided that was worth paying extra for.

    0630 I got a snot/milk/regurg wake up call from a certain tiny boy, and was up at that point. Turkey was on by 0715 (go me). Called Mom at least twice. My turkey is: a "rack" of celery sticks, turkey, rub top with EVOO, and….turn on roaster. My mother's is a culinary master piece of stuff cavity, lemon, fresh sage, and other nummy things. Mr. P. humbly requests that I not contaminate the turkey. Turkey thus safely in the roaster, I surfed the TV whilst sucking coffee and looking to see if/when the Macy's parade would be one. I managed to catch of glimpse of the Today show in time to see the annual turkey-not-cooked-by amateurs nearly go sailing off the oven rack. The prospect of Martha Stewart's turkey taking a nose dive was childishly entertaining, just saying. ^_^ Breakfast was had and I was off to plot the rest of the morning's cooking. All was accomplished, and my dear children humbly request gravy from Lee's Famous Fried Chicken next year. Or at least gravy from the little packages, you know that you buy at the store, Dad? <sigh> I agree with them.

    The afternoon was spent in the usual fashion-root again the Texas football team (pick one, if you are from PA/NY/NJ you hate them all), calling family, watching the tail end of the national dog show (ha ha ha, tail end) where a dear family friend's Pyrenees took a group third, folding 4 loads of laundry (we are nearly caught up), and sleeping. Dinner was the usual left-overs schmorgie-borge: turkey, dressing, crackers, loxs, cheese, sausage, and several slices of cold pizza (don't ask.) As we munched down, we took a survey of thankfulness:


The Holy Spirit


Daddy and Mommy

All my siblings



Being together a lot this week, in spite of it all…

Baby's first Thanksgiving

God-willing, Penny's last Thanksgiving in her current locale



In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18, KJV)




1 comment:

Susanna said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Maureen! Love you!