Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Little of this, a little of that (and a little something huge)

So this was kind of a social week (code for not a lot of school work done, but we've been gone enough the house still looks decent ;-p)

Monday was a gardening kind of night, Tuesday & this evening were the final soccer practices; the thunderstorms which have otherwise dominated our weather (though don't even merit mentioning, comparatively) held off. After 10 weeks of Thursdays watching Josh, I've come to the conclusion he is very much like Ferdinand the Bull .  Saturday is the final morning of complete and utter chaos game. Mr. P. will be ready for a reprieve, if no one else.

Wednesday we moseyed up 301 (and by up 301 I mean way up, 10 miles from the 301 bridge way up). I did not realize that was only about an hour and 20 minutes from here...apparently I need to get out more, but had not had occasion to be in that part of the state before. We had a chance to visit Mandy and her family. Our kids are pretty close in age so everyone had buddies to play with. Grey fell completely in love with their beagle and Ben figured out Sarah's name in under 30 seconds to max out the push me on the swings potential :) We, naturally, snapped the group photo (though cleverly we both managed to NOT get in it.
This is a quintessential group photo-some one's goofy, someone's crying, 10% aren't looking at the camera, and some goofball (mine) is holding up bunny ears. Mandy managed to get a slightly better shot; and I just managed to delete it, like an idiot.
 I could be biased, but I'd call it a good lookin' crew!
Because we were a mere 10 miles from the river and the ginormous bridge, we wandered the rest of the way up to the VA line and stopped at a cute little park on the water. We did all the cute stuff:
held up the bridge:
Came theeeese close, but did not actually go in the water (stopping at the Sheetz  2 miles down the road was contingent upon you staying OUT of the water). But we did not drive over the bridge. Momma cares not a whit for bridges, nauseatingly steep ones go double. The last time I went over that particular bridge it was 12 hrs into a 16 hr total trip back to college from PA by way of Jersey (don't ask)  in Sunday-after-Thanksgiving-shoot-me-now traffic. And it was icy, just for spite.
I got back in time to find the email regarding that file we'd been praying would be found...was found. And is ours :) May I introduce you to both our girls......






Penelope Joy  'Penny'                       And                Julia Anne 'Julie'


The file being found did necessitate another crisis trip to 1111 East Broad , which Mr. P. nobly and fearlessly led, assuring both paper & parking challenges covered. The kids once again dined al fresco on street vendor hot dogs, and a good time was had by all. We topped off an untoppable day (and a dinner fiasco) with $0.50 corn dogs and half price milk shakes at sonic (Mom, I didn't have the molten lava sundae after all-be proud of me!)  
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
                                                        ~Psalm 30 v5b


Taylor-Tots Mom said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! Congratulations on TWO girlies! Can't wait till you get them both home. :-)

MamaV said...

Woooooo! Congratulations! How much more funding will you need? Is Julia in the same orphanage? I am so excited for you!

Sabrina said...

I am so very happy for you and both of your girls. What an amazing blessing!!

lizzielou said...

Oh goodness! She is adorable!!!!! Wohoo! So excited for you!

Unknown said...

Yea! Congratulations!

~Stephanie said...

SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! I can't wait to tell the family in the morning... How will I ever sleep now knowing this news? I want to run through the house whooping and hollering!

<3 Much love! We should get together soon... things have settled a bit.

Unknown said...

Thanks! And yes, Steph-we do need to get together & glad to hear it. You all needed a break in the action, for sure!