Sunday, May 19, 2013


Leaving work I saw this:

And heard this quote:
" You will never lighten any load until you feel the pressure in your own soul."
                                                                                                ~Ravi Zacharias
                                                                                            Watchman on the Wall

Something to think about.

Someone to think about:
Sweet Rebekah, this is the second time I have seen her listed on Reece's Rainbow. She's 6...maybe newly 7? This is probably an old picture, and she probably has a file a half a sheet long, that says little to nothing about her. She catches my heart; perhaps because she shares a citizenship and diagnosis with my Penny. Perhaps because too short a while ago, Sarah had pink checked bloomers and ruffled socks. I don't feel God calling me to adopt her....but I feel the pressure in my soul for hers . To petition God and man for her family, because they are out there. I can't lift her burden of orphanhood. Tonight however, I can feel Christ's pressure on my own soul for her life. Will you join me? Share her story and lift her up to the Most High God. 

 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.


lizzielou said...

She is so precious. I saw her just the other day. Praying with you for her family.

Sabrina said...

Oh, I love that quote, I've never heard it before, but it is so true. Thank you for sharing!!